
Wednesday, 6 December 2017

My 2017 in Room 25

This year has been really fun. I have learned  how to  do full stops. The  funnest thing we did was around the world. The most boring thing we did was nothing. My best friends were Naomi and Ms Gaston. What I really really really liked was having fun with my teacher and my friends. When we all have our birthday Ms Gaston will give us chocolate. I like 2017.


Thursday, 30 November 2017

To My 2018 Teacher.

To my new teacher, 

Hi! My name is Legacy. I am 7 years old. My favourite thing to do at school is maths. I really like it when we do around the world. I find writing hard because it is really hard to do fullstops. Can we please do lots of singing. My best friends at school are Kolotita and Naomi. I don't like mean kids.

Yours sincerely



Wednesday, 29 November 2017


This term, at kiwispors, teakwondo I have learned to kick the boards and punch pads. We did lots of kicking. I liked it because mam was nice to us. 

Tuesday, 28 November 2017



I am a tiger.I like tigers because their teeth are sharp. They can run fast and  the eyes are green and they can jump high. They are orange and black and they eat meet. They are strong and they are fit and they drink  water and they are wild and tigers do not have manes. Tigers got whiskers. Tigers got pink noses. Tigers got stripes that are black.


Friday, 24 November 2017

Thursday, 9 November 2017

My song

I like my song because I tried my best to sing my song.

Monday, 6 November 2017


Last night I went to my nanas house. For the fireworks and my cousin Naomi came and we got to hold some of the pop pop.It was funny how I was going to pop it with my hand but then it fell down on the ground and it popped and it was loud when it popped. 

Monday, 30 October 2017

When it is halloween

When it is Halloween I am going to dressed up as a devil. Me and my dad are going trick-or-treating. After that we are going to a haunted house. When we get there my cousin is going to scare me. I got my costume from the shops in GI.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Playtime with my friends.

Today at morning tea I was playing at the park. With my lovely friend kolotita. We were talking about the little kids putting lipstick on. After that the bell went and we went to class and we felt happy because we had a great time at the park. 

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

In the holidays

In the holidays me and my mum went to my baby cousins house for some Close for my baby brother and he is coming out of my mums tummy on December.after that we went to bye chicken and chips for dinner. After we ate we all went home.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

When I grow up.

When I grow up I what to be a missionary and my mission is to go and visit people at Wellington and talk about church of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Problems in nz

Dear politicians 
People need jobs to make money. People need food. People need houses. People need their family. People need water. People need medicine when they are sick. People need power for their light.
Your sincerely 

Thursday, 7 September 2017

My Trip to the Stardome.

On Thursday team two went to the stardome and we had a helper and she told us that we had to go and look around the first place we were at and we saw some rocks and it was from space and there was three kinds of rocks one was cold and the other was black and the other other one was a brown rock after that we all went in this room and we turned of the light and,we saw the Matariki star and we saw other The and our helper gave us I-pads and there was questions on it and we only got four right and after that we all went to Watch a movie and when we finish the movie we went back on the bus and went back to school.

Monday, 7 August 2017


We have shadows because the sun is shining and we are blocking it. We can have anykind of shadows like big or little. When the clouds and blocking the sun our shadows go away.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

The Sun.

The Sun is big it can fit a million Earths in it. The sun is massive and heavy. It has Strong gravity to make the planets go around it.

It gives us light and makes the flowers grow. It keeps the Earth warm.


Thursday, 6 July 2017

Visiting Team 5.

Today I feel happy because Team 2 went to team 5. We saw a big as basketball hoop  and we got to shoot paper balls in the hoop.


Tuesday, 30 May 2017


Moe needs to carry his toys. But he could't carry it by his salf. So he went to Rotorua so he can learn how to weave with flax. he saw some children with fish.made out of flax and  the flax that you get of is on the outside of the flax.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017


Today I did fractions with my class and what we used was paper and we had to use scissors to cut the paper in half. We used play dough and we had a challenge and what the challenge was about was Miss Gaston saying the questions like saying one half. After that we used bread so we can cut it in half or quarters. After that Miss Gaston said to us that we can get some lollies at the end and we did and this was how many I had it was only three lollies.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


Matariki is a celebration. It is the Maori New Year. Matariki is seven stars olso called the seven sisters. Sometimes the seven stars disappear and when they come back it is Matariki. When it is Matariki people fish and they make kites.

Monday, 23 January 2017