
Wednesday 5 September 2018

The cloud power

One day their lived a little boy,and his name was Jack. He lived with his Grandpa Tilly in a  tall and enormous tower next to the clouds. Then Grandpa Tilly had this very strange and odd box and in that box there was this black skinny pole and when he took it out he put it on this thing that looked like a barrow so he put it on  then Grandpa Tilly blowed in it and then this cloud came out. After that Jack got a turn and it would not work and suddenly jack broke it so he fell down. So Grandpa Tilly picked him up. Next he saw that it was broken so he tried to fix it but it got worsen just then he looked at a cloud and Jack knew what to do so he made a shape. Then Grandpa Tilly blowed in it and it made a star. They had fun together. After that the sun was going down so they watched it and it was cool.the End of the day they sat down in the beautiful sun. 

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