Pictures always tell a story. Even when we read picture books, there’s a story that goes alongside a picture so the readers understand what is happening. One day and everybody saw there was a fire. There was Flaming hot lava bursting out of a huge volcano and that the trees were falling apart from the lava and making a lot of smoke. Some Houses burn down as it turns into sand. There were ashes flying in the air as the air was filled with smoke there were also grey and black smoke in the air. They heard the animals crying for help and the kids screaming. They heard people looking for their loved ones they could hear people yelling out HELP!!!!!!!! There were loud noisy Syrians. The ashes floating around. They could feel the animal's fur that was burnt, they can feel the buildings burn, they could feel their cars breaking down. I could feel the sadness coming from their yelling. I can smell the smoke in the air I can smell burnt houses, they can smell flowers burning,they smell animal fur as it burns I can smell ashes smelling like the whole entire country is burning down. It tastes spicy at first but then you realise your mouth tastes like it is on fire.